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After reading Brown’s (2008) article, it is now time for you to apply Design Thinking to the products, devices, apps, services, and/or websites that you use! For this activity, you will need to use the embedded Padlet below or navigate to it using this link and then add an entry in response to the following prompt:


In Brown’s (2008) article, he summarizes three innovation cases – Kaiser Permanente, Shimano, and Aravind – to demonstrate the application of Design Thinking across industries. To complete this Padlet, you are asked to work backwards! First, identify an entity’s product – app, website, service, device, etc. – that you think was developed from Design Thinking. Next, speculate on these three questions: 1. What was the original “problem” that the entity addressed? 2. What population(s) do you think was impacted by the entity’s problem? 3. Did the entity adequately respond to the problem? Please explain why or why not. Finally, add an entry to this Padlet that includes a one-sentence description of the product, an image that represents the product, and your response to each of the questions. There is a 200-word limit on this assignment. You will need to click the pink “+” button on the bottom right of the Padlet to begin a new entry. 

 Embedded Padlet

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Direct Link to Padlet

Direct link to the Reverse Engineering Design Thinking Padlet

Design Thinking Padlet

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