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Now that you’ve read about personas, this activity requires you to reverse engineer a character from popular culture back to its persona, and you’re going to share your work as an infographic! To complete this assignment, you’ll first:

  1. Reflect on popular culture and persona types and choose a current character (real or fictional) from popular culture who you think is representative of a persona.
  2. Create a Piktochart account, and log in!
  3. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with Piktochart’s options and functionality. When ready, create an infographic using Piktochart that reverse engineers the character you selected from step #1 into what you think is its original persona. Your Piktochart must include the type of persona as its title, an overview of the persona, examples of the persona from popular culture, and one image. See this example of a Pop Singer!
  4. When finished, add your name, type of persona, and link to your Piktochart infographic on this Google Doc.

Pop Singer Persona Example


Direct link to Piktochart.

Direct link to Google Doc

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